East-Himalayan Eye Grass is a rhizome forming herb,
with elliptic-lanceshaped, pleated leaves, up to 70 cm long and 15.5 cm
broad, papery, entire, tapering. Flowering stem flattened,
velvet-hairy. Flowers are borne in elongated raceme, up to 40-flowered,
up to 15 cm long. Flowers are yellow, bracteate, bisexual, trimerous,
1.5 cm across. Flower-stalk is 0.5-1.5 cm long. Tepals are six, in two
alternative whorls (3 in each), elliptic-lanceshaped, free,
overlapping. Stamens are 6; filament very short, about 2 mm long;
anther erect, dorsifixed, lanceshaped, dithecous, arrow shaped at base,
5-6 mm. Ovary inferior, 3-carpelled, style subulate, stigma capitate.
Berry is pear-shaped, 8-9 x 4-5 mm. East-Himalayan Eye Grass is found
in Arunachal Pradesh.
Identification credit: East-Himalayan Eye Grass
Photographed in Arunachal Pradesh.
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